
What is john maccain going to do about illegal immigration?is he going to give that so wanted amnesty or not?

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and if he is in favor of it ...what do u think? is that he right choice or not?




  1. It's just another false promise to get the latino vote.

  2. I dont understand the people that post on here. All I see is B****ing about go back to your country and do it the legal way, but when a president wants to give someone legal status you people B***h about that too.  Sometimes I think you just need something to complain about in order to be happy. So if they give Amnesty so what!  What is the big deal? People grow up!

  3. It depends on the weather and who he's talking to. He's flip flopped more on this issue than a fish out of water. Ultimately I think he will and so will Obama. The problem has gotten so huge under Clinton and Bush along with other issues I think our next president has a tremendous task trying to get our country back to the way it should be.

  4. John Sydney McCain and Barak Hussein Obama both want to give some 20+ million illegal aliens amnesty ant then allow them to bring in up to 100 additional relatives almost immediately. Both main stream party candidates will be a disaster for the USA. Vote for a third party candidate.

    i will vote Bob Barr.

  5. Send them back they are invaders, when they come in the numbers that they have been coming in its not immigration its an invasion

  6. Yes, he wants the illegal immigrants to come here so people can hire them cheaper than they might have to pay a legal resident.

  7. What's the big deal about giving them amnesty? Let me tell you.

    Yes they will pay taxes and file tax returns, but there will be no tax liability because of the number of dependents and the level of education. In fact most would qualify for EIC and get even more back.

    The fiscal deficit would increase from about $2,700 per household to about $7,700  for a cost of about $29 billion. And while they do pay into SS  (about $7 billion) they create a deficit of about $17 billion in the rest of the budget. Does this sound like a good idea to you?  These programs where set up by Americans for American Citizens, And while they may or may not be deserving of the benefits they are at least American citizens and we are supposed to take care of our own.

    Both candidates voted for the immigration reform bill, but amnesty won't pass IF we don't allow it. Call or email your state reps "no amnesty".

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