
What is jumproping good for?

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Does it help with burning fat?




  1. Jumping rope is AWESOME! I love to do it.  When I do it properly, it makes my whole body sweat from head to toe.  The thing is that JR takes a lot of coordination.  And you should start out slow / short amounts of time.  I would start with 100 jumps.  This might take you like 1-2 minutes, depending on your speed, and if you stop.  Then, each day, or each time you do it, add on 25, 50, or 100 more.  That way, each day it gets more and more challenging.  At one point, I was JR for about 45 minutes a day, and also using leg weights to make it more and more challenging.  

    Thanks for reading!

  2. stamina, agility, coordination and balance. d**n, jump roping has alot of benefits.  

  3. It improves hand-eye coordination, rhythm, builds cardiovascular endurance, and builds calves.

  4. yes it does. good for cardio

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