
What is justice for someone who sexually assaults a 9day old baby to death?

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This poor child's umbilical stump was still there. He got off . WRONG WRONG WRONG




  1. He'll have to stand in front of GOD some day and explain that one. Then I guess eternity in h**l.

  2. Why is this question in Marriage and Divorce?

  3. Oh my word, that brought tears to my eyes! That is just AWFUL! I seriously have no words.....

  4. this made me sit here and BAWL my eyes out.. the only justice is death - actually, life sentence in jail might be better... child abusers are treated horribly by other inmates... even people in jail hate child abusers... this was a horrible story, because i want to have a baby so badly, and dont even know if i can... how can anyone treat a tiny little miracle that way! i am sickened!

  5. That guy deserves to have his di** cut off and then shot. People like that deserve to die!

  6. Is this real? If it is castration so he can continue to live and think about his actions and not harm anyone else.

  7. I dont want to see that zhit.  

  8. Send him to a concentration camp and torture him to death.

  9. Put him in prison with Big Bubba who also has a case of viagra.  After that, throw him in the regular prison with all those men who've been raped as children.  Then cut it off and cram it down his throat and have him drawn and quarter.  He deserves noting less than that, And if the judge is the one who let him go, put the judge in with Big Bubba also.

  10. People like that should be tortured to death!!! Makes you wonder where the mother was..... and why she didn'tt take justice in her own hand's, I am a mother of 3 and I know if that was my baby he wouldn'tt of had a trial!!!  

  11. I know the justice system, they usually over react then under react.  From what we are told we do not know what happened.  My feeling is the mother did it and he was pissed off at the mother and that is why he assaulted her.  

    No one has the right to judge this based on this one youtube.  However if I was him I would make youtube take down this slander.

  12. Justice? A slow and painful death...but they will not get it.  No punishment (at least in modern nations) is "justice" to someone who does this.

  13. Lock him alone in a room with the childs mother.  I cannot express what I would do to someone who laid hands on my child.

  14. nail his picker to a tree stump with a roofing nail. leave him with a small knife, then set the woods on fire.

  15. No.....there is no justice for a guy like that,He should not have any mercy...Sorry if it sounds like im a b$#@$ but its true....Right

  16. i like ray b answer but instead of knife i'd give him arusty tin can lid.

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