
What is justice for someone who sexually assaults a 9day old to death with their finger?

by  |  earlier

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I can't believe that guy got off. The child is dead but he is free?




  1. were is justice for that baby? i feel so sick and sad my little boy is jumping in his jumperoo smiling happily and watching oprah! hes so innocent! my heart goes out to the mother who is left always thinking... what if!

  2. What a sad disturbing story, I think someone should stick pin needles thru his p***s and testicals untill they run out of room then shoot that ignorant b*****d in the head !!!!!  

  3. Oh my goodness!  I didn't watch the video, but just your question almost made me cry.  THAT MAN DESERVES TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh my goodness!  They should cut off each one of his fingers and then cut off his d**k.  Then let him sit in pain and agony for three hours and then shoot him.  Or better yet, give him the electric chair.  Awful!  Awful!  Awful!  He doesn't deserve to live!  I am now crying, I just oh my goodness!  HOW AWFUL!  I'm of half a mind to go kill the b*****d myself!

  4. Death Penalty - there is no excuse.

  5. OMG! I want to throw up! WHO could do such a thing! It's disgusting!!! I am in tears just looking at my daughter making a mess with her noodles at the kitchen table knowing that this poor baby didn't even have a chance to live! Barely 9 days old!!!  

  6. I say torture him then shoot him in the head... but thats just how I feel about it.

  7. thats horrible! and hes in jail for only a year, and a small fine? that bs. if anybody did that to my kid, they wouldn't live to go to jail. how could someone to that to someone, let alone a infant? sick =(

  8. wow that poor baby 9 days old how could he even have the heart to look this innocent child in the eye and still do that to her he is the one who helped make her and helped bring this new life in this world and yet also help take her out that man needs more than just a year wow ugh this makes me mad!

  9. chop his fingers off one by one and the kill him. He's a sick person.

  10. OMG I did cry at that video, 9 days old? how can anyone do that to a child, (anyone at all) but a newborn baby, god that makes me sick, he should of been tortured for the rest of his life and kept behind bars. sicko doesn't deserve to live, since he killed that beautiful lil girl so horribly. and he got off on charges, OUTRAGED! I hope many many many people that vid and someone starts a vigilant thing, I'm all against violence, but in this case I'll turn the other cheek, the sicko shouldn't get away with it like he has. ARGH! How can any justice system let him get away with it, seriously where's the justice for Nevaeh? god rest her lil soul.

  11. I saw your question, I don't know the story. But even seeing your question makes me sick to the stomach. He should be gettin life!! It's disgusting!!

  12. That is horrible    where is the justice?

  13. I don't want to see the clip, but I think that someone should do to him what he did to this poor child. Sick child molesters don't deserve to live.

  14. you f*in kidding me right now? as soon as i saw that mans face it just gave me the could someone do that to their kid, drunk or not..a 9 day old baby..a freakin 9 day old baby..oh my god, i dont even know what to like to hunt that perverted fu(ker down right now and give him a little piece of my could he walk free? what is wrong with the world today? i feel so bad for the mother if this baby..all i have to say is i hope this man gets whats coming to him!!!!!!!!!

    i think, with no hesitation, he should have been sentenced to death..if he can take the life of an innocent baby then his life should be taken,..we dont need people like him out there walking around like nothing is wrong with him...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

  15. He should spend the rest of his life in prison (and very short life it would be) and have to wear a sign telling what he did. The other inmates will take care of him. Even prisoners have a code of morals and "it ain't pretty."

  16. I don't want to watch it. It is sickening enough to read what you wrote. I think having every one of his fingers ripped off slowly one at a time no pain relief would be a good thing to watch

  17. I can't believe he only got one year! I don't care what kind of punishment a person like that gets as long as it's torture! I almost cried when I saw that video.

  18. I Want To KIll That Son Of A *****! Ba$tard M0ther Fuk3r!

    Hopefully he dies of HIV and Lepra!

    I wish he goes to h**l 4 eternity!

    MAN! I am so ANGry!

  19. Awful, unbelievable, Disgusting, painful even to think that the father who did it is free

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