
What is juvenile court like?

by  |  earlier

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I have to go to court in 4.5 hours for smoking less than a gram of weed. I am kind of scared. Do judges ask alot of detailed question or only yes sir/no sir questions because I did not practice what to say at all? What should I wear? What is the usual punishment?What is the best thing to say? Only serious answers please and don't tell me how much i deserve it.




  1. Listen mate if you are doing drugs then clearly you come from and bad background and it shows that even thou you don't even no what to wear.

    You need to wear a suit to court you need to reponse to the jugde as your honour not sir.

    do you have a soilotor? if so then the question to you will be minume as you solicotor will defene you if you ain't then you defend your self.

    If you are on trail you will have to answer the question given to you by the cps and your beife.

    you will most likly get a cation if it your frist offensive being canabis.

    As long as it was for personal use.

    if they have to with intened to supply then your most likly get a fine and probation order.

    They will not send you to jail so don't worry if it was a class A drug they might but it not

    Expect a slap on the wrist or a fine probation or and a suspened sentence good luck mate and lay of the weed this time lol

    It may show that you have worked hard in school it may help depends if your soilcotor thinks it will depends on how it lays in court mate just keep of the drugs mate you seem a nice kid don't recked your brain from that sh it!!

    I f you got anything else you are worried about like this email me on my user profile and ill get back to you ok sorry about the frist thing i said.

    Pear presure you mean? my adive is with this one there is noway out of it tell the turth and try and minuise the damage if you show that you are a good well behavouied person and has a good chance in life then good and should be leanened with you for the 1st offensive show the judge that you are a waster he will not be impressed imagine your going to see the queen best behavour and show you are a great person.

  2. Dress appropriately, be respectful to the judge, and plan on being drugged tested before final decision is issued

    Good grades are a big plus and any after school stuff as well  

  3. Go in to court wearing clean clothes - clothes with no holes and in good repair.  While a suit is nice - any Judge will understand that you may not have the monetary funds to purchase one.   Wear your best.

    Use your very best manners.

    Admit to lack of judgement if asked.  

    Any questions asked - answer honestly.  

    Judges have a range of sentences - including a suspended sentence (if you are "good boy" - they will drop entire thing).  Whatever you do - do not lie to the judge - this will guarantee the harshest punishment he can dish out....


    Good luck and stay out of trouble next time.  :)

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