
What is kenpo?

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what is kenpo




  1. A chinese self defense system that uses every part of your body in situational self defense.  It teaches you to use everything in your arsenal to survive an attack, it also includes knife,club,gun and multiple attacker as well as ground fighting. Originally called kenpo jujitsu because of its many joint locks, breaks, grappling, nerve strikes etc.  Never been a sport and never will be.  There are tons of hybrid versions of this art so be careful.

  2. It's KENPO!!!!!

  3. kenpo is not chinese ...the word is japanese.

    kenpo/kempo is a generic term for martial arts. jujutsu, karate, kung fu...are all generic terms for multiple styles and systems.

    kempo (as its supposed to be pronounced) is the japanese translation of the chinese word "chuan fa" which means fist law, or fist method. ken (fist) and ho (law) ...when combined are pronounced kempo.

    kenpo on the other hand was used in ancient japan to name a sword art ...ken(blade) ho(law)...when combined become kenpo (not kenho) ...but..its used today to denote fist law as told its incorrect though.

    the characters (kanji) used to write both fist, and blade, are pronounced ken...but when used in conjunction with another this case "ho" (law)....may change. the kanji for fist changes to kem...thus kempo. the kanji for blade remains ken...thus kenpo...kendo,....kenjutsu...etc

    this is what im told...i cant swear to it though.

    kempo was originally used to refer to chinese martial arts by okinawans and koreans. the chinese called it chuan japanese its pronouced kempo.

    some arts in okinawa and japan are still called kempo (ryu kyu kempo, shorinji kempo) ...most changed to karate.

    however as its mostly known in the western world..kempo refers to a predominantly striking based art that developed in hawaii. it is characterized by multiple rapid strikes. strikes designed to cause a specific reaction in the opponent, which leads to your next strike..and so on. strikes are usually not chambered...but launched from wherever your hand happens to be at the time it's needed.

    kempo also tends to be "technique" based...rather than "kata" based like okinawan or japanese karate. it has kata, but not emphasized as much.

    its generally a hand technique system, with few kicks, and when they do kick, its usually below the belt. 70% hands 30% feet. its quick...its mean and its to the point.

    the aim of some systems is to end it with one technique....the aim of kempo is to completely overwhelm your attacker with sudden rapid fire strikes relentlessly until he is subdued. it includes all manner of nasty techniques. clawing, ripping, tearing, name it.

    whats more it was developed and tested in modern times against modern attacks.

    it started with james mitose, he taugh william k.s. chow...and from there is where it really spread out. kempo wasnt "stylized" until chows first generation students made their own systems. they include kajukenbo, karazenpo goshin jutsu, chinese kempo, shaolin kempo, shaolin kempo karate, cerio kenpo, ed parkers american kenpo...etc i collectively refer to them as "hawaiian kempo" because there is an undeniable link between them all.

    its great.

    but in general...any art could be called kempo. some people call shotokan karate kempo...wado ryu karate used to be called wado ryu jujutsu kempo. its a general term.

  4. kenpo is also known as kempo.  It is a combination of karate, jujuitsu, kick boxing, and grapling. Kenpo is all about enclosed fighting.  Its closeing the gap in between you enemy and youself and destroying him.

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