
What is kibitz?

by Guest62738  |  earlier

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What is kibitz?




  1. To chit chat -  its yiddish

  2. its a yiddish-ism of a hebrew word. Kibitzing is a person giving advice on something -- usually on a subject that they arent necessarily supposed to have any say on. for example, during a chess game someone might come up and start giving advice to one of the players. this is known as kibitizing.

  3. 1. To look on and offer unwanted, usually meddlesome advice to others.

    2. To chat; converse.

    It's yiddish.

  4. To look on and offer unwanted, usually meddlesome advice to others.

    To chat; converse.

  5. The word is yiddish. My grandma used the word to describe the talking that went on when she got together with her friends to play cards.

  6. A Jewish settlement in Palestrine.:)

    Oh, in a game.:)  A spectator who gives advice is a kibitzer.
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