
What is killing off the frogs in the usa?

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What is killing off the frogs in the usa?




  1. who says frogs are being murdered?

  2. road run off,pestsefeds,other animals

  3. nothing thy are just croaking.

  4. they have not found the reason yet but you can be assured its something very serious cuase that is what they watch (scientists) and that has impact on us together which is bad.

  5. Those pesky Frenchmen.

    Learn to eat chicken, you cheese-eating-surrender-monkies!

  6. Some of the factors that are being studied include water pollution, parasites, and increased irradiation. Nobody is sure, though.

    Actually, it seems that the number of frogs is about the same but several species are in decline and the green frogs are getting more abundant. At least, that's what it looks like when I am out in the field.

  7. snakes and gators

  8. Wasnt aware we had so many less than in the past.

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