
What is known as disaster management technique?

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This is important for my project work provided for environmental me! .




  1. First define disaster, then understand what causes disaster, find out the routs of damage, then consider prevention plans, carryout drills to test the hypothesis and plan for recovery. This is the nutshell of a professional disster mangement as defined in BCP.

  2. When they are unable to predict any disaster,what steps they can take for its management?This is just an eye-wash to be-fool the public.

  3. when disaster is immenant, sit down, spread your legs, bend over as far as you can, and kiss your a*s goodbye!

  4. Emergency management (or disaster management) is the discipline dealing of with and avoiding risks.[1] It is a discipline that involves preparing, supporting, and rebuilding society when natural or human-made disasters occur. In general, any Emergency management is the continuous process by which all individuals, groups, and communities manage hazards in an effort to avoid or ameliorate the impact of disasters resulting from the hazards. Actions taken depend in part on perceptions of risk of those exposed.[2] Effective emergency management relies on thorough integration of emergency plans at all levels of government and non-government involvement. Activities at each level (individual, group, community) affect the other levels. It is common to place the responsibility for governmental emergency management with the institutions for civil defense or within the conventional structure of the emergency services. In the private sector, emergency management is sometimes referred to as business continuity management.

    The process of emergency management involves four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

    phases and professional activities:

    ] Preparedness

    In the preparedness phase, emergency managers develop plans of action for when the disaster strikes. Common preparedness measures include: the

    communication plans with easily understood terminology and chain of command

    development and practice of multi-agency coordination and incident command

    proper maintenance and training of emergency services

    development and exercise of emergency population warning methods combined with emergency shelters and evacuation plans

    stockpiling, inventory, and maintenance of supplies and equipment

    An efficient preparedness measure is an emergency operations center (EOC) combined with a practiced region-wide doctrine for managing emergencies. Another preparedness measure is to develop a volunteer response capability among civilian populations. Since, volunteer response is not as predictable and plannable as professional response, volunteers are most effectively deployed on the periphery of an emergency.

    phases and personal preparedness:


    On the contrary to mitigation activities which are aimed at preventing a disaster from occurring, personal preparedness are targeted on preparing activities to be taken when a disaster occurs, i.e. planning. Preparedness measures can take many forms. Examples include the construction of shelters, warning devices, back-up life-line services (e.g. power, water, sewage), and rehearsing an evacuation plan. Two simple measures prepare you for either sitting out the event or evacuating. For evacuation, a disaster supplies kit should be prepared and for sheltering purposes a stockpile of supplies.

    hope u got wat u wanted...

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