
What is kolrabi, and how is it prepared?

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I was given some locally grown kolrabi as a gift. I know that it is a root vegetable, but that's really it. What does it taste like and how should it be prepared? Does it need to be peeled? Can it be eaten raw in salads? I would love some input.




  1. kolorabi is a vegetable u need to peel it and u can eat it in raw salads i eat it with lemon and salt just like that with a carrot its really good, and hard 2 explain what it tastes.

  2. Definition: [kohl-RAH-bee] This vegetable is a member of the turnip family and, for that reason, is also called cabbage turnip. Like the turnip, both its purple-tinged, white bulblike stem and its greens are edible. The kohlrabi bulb tastes like a mild, sweet turnip. It's available from midspring to midfall. Those under 3 inches in diameter are the most tender. Choose a kohlrabi that is heavy for its size with firm, deeply colored green leaves. Avoid any with soft spots on the bulb or signs of yellowing on leaf tips. Store tightly wrapped up to 4 days in the refrigerator. Kohlrabi's best steamed, but can also be added to soups and stews as well as used in stir-fries. It's rich in potassium and vitamin C.

    Sauteed Kohlrabi with Watercress:

    1 pound small kohlrabi bulbs (about 1 bunch)

    1 bunch watercress

    1 tablespoon unsalted butter

    1 tablespoon rendered duck fat or 1 additional tablespoon unsalted butter

    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Peel kohlrabi with a vegetable peeler and cut into 2-inch long julienne strips. Discard coarse stems from watercress. In a large heavy skillet, heat butter and reserved duck fat over moderately high heat until foam subsides and saute kohlrabi, stirring, until crisp-tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and saute kohlrabi, stirring, 1 minute more. Remove skillet from heat and immediately stir in watercress. Season vegetables with salt and pepper.

    You can also peel, slice and marinate kohlrabi for use in salads.  Enjoy!!!


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