
What is kosher mean?

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What is kosher mean?




  1. Kosher means prepared according to the rules of the Jewish faith.

    Meat and milk are never served together. Because they believe that the kid should not be served with the milk of it's mother. Some people go so far as to have completely seperate sets of dishes for milk and for meat, and won't eat meat less than 4 hours after eating dairy.

    Also, no pork because it is seen as an unclean animal, and no fish without fins, so no shellfish.

    Kosher also applies to butchering techniques. The butcher must be Jewish and there are strict guidelines to how the butchering must be done.

    "Koshering" also means a way of preparing meat. Usually, the meat is sprinkled with kosher salt, allowed to sit, and then rinsed. If it is poultry, then the cavity is also sprinkled with salt.

  2. Kosher is food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws. In their most "biblical" form, Jewish Dietary Laws state: Pork, rabbit, eagle, owl, catfish, sturgeon, and any shellfish, insect or reptile are non-kosher, because they are considered as scavengers and, therefore, there is no way to determine if they've eaten anything non-kosher.

    Other species of meat and fowl must be slaughtered in a prescribed manner to be kosher. Koshered animals are those that have their throats slit in order for the blood to completely drain from the animal. This is the most humane way to slaughter an animal.

    Meat and dairy products may not be made or consumed together.

    A kosher food that is processed or cooked together with a non-kosher food, or any derivative of a non-kosher food, becomes non-kosher. For example, food coloring derived from a shellfish and used in a cake makes the cake non-kosher.

    Packaging has symbols that indicate whether a product is kosher or not. If a package is marked Pareve, it means that it can be consumed with either milk or meat. Kosher animals are cleaned better than non-kosher animals, which is why more people are buying more kosher meat.

    Kosher symbols not only ensure that the food is kosher, but also identify the kosher certifying organization that issued the certification. Some of the symbols are:






  3. Kosher foods are those that conform to Jewish law. Invalidating characteristics may range from the presence of ingredients derived from non-kosher animals or kosher animals that were not properly slaughtered, a mixture of meat and milk, wine or grape juice (and their derivatives) produced by gentiles, the use of produce from Israel that has not been tithed properly, or even the use of cooking utensils and machinery which had previously been used for non-kosher food.

  4. kosher mean legally acceptable in the UK

  5. Although the details of kashrut are extensive, the laws all derive from a few fairly simple, straightforward rules:

       1. Certain animals may not be eaten at all. This restriction includes the flesh, organs, eggs and milk of the forbidden animals.

       2. Of the animals that may be eaten, the birds and mammals must be killed in accordance with Jewish law.

       3. All blood must be drained from the meat or broiled out of it before it is eaten.

       4. Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten.

       5. Fruits and vegetables are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs

       6. Meat (the flesh of birds and mammals) cannot be eaten with dairy. Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy. (According to some views, fish may not be eaten with meat).

       7. Utensils that have come into contact with meat may not be used with dairy, and vice versa. Utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food may not be used with kosher food. This applies only where the contact occurred while the food was hot.

       8. Grape products made by non-Jews may not be eaten.
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