
What is labour and giving birth like????

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What is labour and giving birth like????




  1. For some it is like intense period pain, for others it's orgasmic. We're all different, but the common consensus is it's painful and none of that pain is relevant once your baby arrives - it's all forgotten as the star of the day really takes the cake. Good luck.

  2. No one can tell you what your labor and delivery will be like because it's different for each woman.  All of my experiences were good (I've had 4 babies).  I was the most nervous with my 1st, which is obviously normal, and found each labor and delivery after that easier to handle because I stayed very calm.  By the time I had my last baby, I wasn't nervous at all and the pain was not near as intense.  Or maybe it was but I just knew how to handle and accept it better.  I am expecting again and have no fears of the birthing process.  In fact, I would go through it all again with each of my kids just for the opportunity to relive such an exciting and life-altering experience.  Like I said, no one can tell you what it will be like for you, only how it was for them.  And, for the most part, a lot of their stories will only cause you to worry or be afraid, both of which I consider counter-productive during labor.  

  3. Erm, it's very incomfortable and rather painful.

    But worth it.

  4. i had my first baby three months ago it was just uncomfortable but was good for my first time... just try and relax with contractions and your labour and birth will go fine.

  5. From what I hear..

    First a lot of excitement. Then a lot of waiting. Then a little pain. Then some more waiting. Then A LOT of pain. Then MORE pain. THEN HOLY c**p SO MUCH PAIN OH MY GOD!

    Then (if you're lucky and there are no complications that require a c-section) a baby. Then you have the afterbirth, which is like period cramps and many mothers say they don't notice it. Then you get to breastfeed your baby.

    There's always a lot of blood. Sometimes there's a little poo.  

  6. It's just like having a big poo, really.

  7. One word. Pain.

  8. I am a male and I asked a woman this same question. She said to me, "You being a guy...just imagine yourself peeing out a pinecone...backwards."  

  9. It is the most wonderous and at the same time, frustrating thing you'll ever do.  BUT..the frustrating part is NOT LONG and the outcome is worth every single moment.  I gave birth at 28, again at 41.  23 hours labor 1st baby, 9 hours with 2nd.

    Here are some tips:

    1. I FIRMLY believe what your Momma tells you about labor/delivery EFFECTS how you handle it!!  If your Mom is like, "oh it was horrible..oh  blah, blah"..then YOU will in turn (unfortunately) for the most part, view and see only the hard work you have to do to birth your baby.  If your Mom is like mine.."sure it hurts, but when I saw every one of my children, I was so overcome with joy that I would do it again and again".  I indeed believe my mother's valuable input at seeing labor/deliv. as something quite unique and gratifying, as what determined my outcome.  And believe me, the 23 hour labor was tiring and I was very close to C-section...but when I saw my sweet baby girl..I'd have done it again!!!!  As not forget your child/teen, etc., hears everything you say as they are growing up...and hearing how "awful" it was having them is NOT  a good thing for your child.  Being honest..yep, it hurts, yep it's work, but IT'S WORTH IT is important for them to hear.

    2. All the TV/movie c**p with the screaming is for the most part.. a load of bull.  I have been a nurse 30+ years..can count on ONE HAND momma's who scream in labor.  

    3.  DEEP BREATHE..follow classes..pray a bunch and use a focal point.  This will follow you all your life to utilize when you are in any type of pain.  (we use it all the time in our office when patients are in pain.)

    4.  Savor every moment.  It's "women's work"..a very intimate & precious thing to give birth..whether vaginal delivery or C-section.  

    May all the new Momma's of the world be as blessed as I was/am!!

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