
What is latent lesbianism? ?

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What is latent lesbianism? ?




  1. Its when women act in away which expresses desire to have s*x with other women but don't recognize themselves (or their actions) as originating in sexual desire for women

    A classic example would be a women writer who frequently writes long drawn out L*****n s*x scenes

    (this is a laymen, nontechnical definition)

  2. Sounds made up, but if I took a stab at it I say a girl who hid she was a L*****n and is just now coming out for some reason or the other..

  3. A woman who has L*****n tendency that she is either unaware of, has not acted on or is in denial of.

  4. If you know what latent means and you know what lesbianism is, it's easy to work out.

    Latent = Existing, but lying dormant

    Lesbianism = Female same s*x attraction

  5. the notion that the person has L*****n feelings, identity, or desires, but they have not come into her concious mind yet.  They exist in her subconcious, and she doesn't know it yet.  Obviously a bit controversial in the sense that we don't yet have consensus on what makes a person homosexual or bisexual.  There is some research to suggest that there may be genetic markers, but again, I think we are short of consensus on that at this stage.

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