
What is latitude and longitude - how do i use it in an exam???

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  1. These are the 2 parts of the coordinates of a location on Earth.  Latitude is the distance in degrees north or south of the Equator.  Longitude is the number of degrees east or west of the prime meridian passing through Greenwich, England.

  2. latitude are the lines that go up and down on a map or globe. I remember it like altitude, latitude, see how they're similar. They're the up and down. Although of course altitude is a different but it helps me remember which ones which. edit: the latitude lines them selves don't go up and down, they go left right but are a measure of the up down. Think of it like bands or rings on a tree. You don't measure along the line, you measure each ring going outward as it were.

    Longitude goes left right, I think of it like LONG LONGitude. It goes sideways longways. Up and down is tall, this is left and right long.

    Also I think of the Corona commercials that say "change your latitude." This means go to the equator tropical paradise and change your attitude. Chill, relax have a Corona.

    How to use it on a test depends on the question. I think longitude starts in England at Greenwhich meantime and goes around 360 degrees but i'm not sure. Lattitude i'm more sure that it starts at zero on the equator and goes up or down 90 degrees. The north pole is 90 degrees up. Halfway up the world is 45 degrees, NY is around the 45 mark, more like 47 or 52. The south pole is 90 degrees down, you may write it as -90 degrees but i'm not 100% sure.

    You may need to give the coordinates for a place, exact or a rough estimate. So what roughly is the location of NY. As i said it is roughly 45 degrees latitude and some number of degrees longitude. Sorry i don't know precisely, the lines on the map are marked with numbers.

  3. basically they are the grid lines on a map, like on a graph. If someone like a sailor wants to know where on the sea he is as long as he knows his positions latitude and longitude he can find where he is. in your exam you could have someone in a boat lost in a storm, he calls the coastguard who gives him the position of the nearest land, by longitude and latitude and he uses that to set his course for safety. Hows that? its land as well not just sea. good luck with the exam

  4. Latitude is a measure of distance N or S of the Equator where each minute of latitude is 1 nautical mile e.g. the distance between the equator and a pole is 90 degrees * 60 minutes/degree = 5400 nautical miles.

    Longitude is a measure of distance E or W of the Prime Meridian. This is not as simple a calculation as Latitude as lines of Longitude converge (get closer together) as Latitude increases. Only on the Equator (Latitude = 0) is 1 minute of Longitude equal to 1 nautical mile. In any other Latitude the distance E or W of Longitude zero is

    Longitude in minutes * Cosine(Latitude) nautical miles

  5. these are imaginary lines drawn across the earth. the equater is the centre latiude which is at 0 degree

    more about it check this website

    it is very useful for finding a continent or a country on the globe

    it is also used for finding the time of a particular region

  6. Any location on Earth is described by two numbers--its latitude and its longitude.

    Actually, these are two angles, measured in degrees, "minutes of arc" and "seconds of arc." These are denoted by the symbols ( °,   ',   "  ) e.g. 35° 43' 9" means an angle of 35 degrees, 43 minutes and 9 seconds (do not confuse this with the notation (', ") for feet and inches!).

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