
What is left behind from the jets in the sky?? those white trailers??? what is it? ?

by Guest67182  |  earlier

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I have heard it is the government poisoning us with Chemicals behind the jets and spraying them in the skies?




  1. There are two kinds of trails a jet leaves behind. If the jet is flying through clear air, the moisture will condense out and leave a virtual cloud trail called a contrail. If the jet is flying through an existing cloud, it will most likely revaporize that material to leave an empty "tube" called a distrail.

  2. Con trails, or trails of condensed water vapor. Kind of like artificial clouds or cold steam.

  3. i've always heard jet trails are ice. heat from the exhaust forms water vapor, but they're so high up it turns to ice.

    govt may be poisoning us, but i don't think it's happening there...

  4. Aircraft engines create contrails, which are trails of water vapor condensing out behind a passing airplane. There is evidence to that something is being sprayed out of aircraft, and it's not the blue water from the lavatories. Aircraft mechanics have reported strange equipment aboard commercial airliners. It's indeed possible to spray chemicals, viruses and all sorts of other poisons and toxins from aircraft onto unsuspecting populations without public knowledge. The government has conducted experiments pertaining to biological, chemical and nuclear warfare on unsuspecting American citizens. Even after these experiments have been exposed, the government here and in other countries too have kept on doing it. Even one person acting alone could set in motion a deadly pandemic or kill untold numbers of people with a biological or chemical weapon released from a small plane.

  5. Ha!  You saw that too?  What a crock!

    The trails are water from the combustion of the fuel.  At high altitudes the water freezes into tiny ice crystals and especially at dusk and dawn, they can be seen for a long time.  This is because the sun is shining on them from "underneath."

    They're called contrails. (Short for condensation trails.)

  6. It's water vapor. the jet exhaust is mostly high pressure steam and c02 produced by burning the jet fuel. At high altitude the exhaust cools rapidly into a dense fog.

  7. water vapor.

  8. They're called 'contrails'. The white stuff you see isn't actually emitted from the airplane engines. The engines emit some amount of dust and water vapor, and this dust then tends to collect more water which freezes onto it due to the low temperatures at high altitudes, forming the equivalent of microscopic snowflakes. It's this 'snow' that you see as the white contrail.

    I have heard of the chemical spraying theory before, but there's really nothing to it. It's no more real than Atlantis, crashed alien spaceships at Roswell, etc. Conspiracy theorists seem to latch onto just about anything, which is unfortunately for us because it makes all the REAL conspiracies seem that much more fake.

  9. Do u really believe everything u read in the tabloids. it is just vapor from the chemical reaction of the fuel burning.

  10. mostly it is the waste of fuel on a plane...BUT,  yes. in some cases the government sends planes to dump out gases to try tot stop greenhouse effect.

  11. The length of those contrails and how long they stay is determined by the humidity. In areas where there is high humidity, the trails are huge and can extend across the entire sky. Where I live there there is usually low humidity and so the contrails disappear almost as soon as they leave the plane's engines.

  12. You heard wrong.

    The white trails are called "contrails" and are created by the hot exhaust of jet engines.  The exhaust gases from a jet engine are mostly carbon dioxide and water vapour, and when they leave the engine they enter very cold air.  So the vapour freezes into tiny ice crystals and that is what forms the white "cloud trails" you see.

    The longer the contrails last in the sky, the more moisture there is in the upper air.  Sometimes the trails seem to vanish almost immediately behind the jet - this means that there is very little moisture already in the air and the vapour evaporates more quickly.

  13. Contrails =  The release of water vapor (and ice) at high altitues.

    Chemtrails = A conspiracy theory that suggests we are being controlled from the release of things that are not water vapor, in an attempt to...  well, I guess that depends on the conspiracy.

    I'll let you decide which one is more likely, based on you own balance of openmindedness, and skepticism.

  14. Exhaust (similar to what comes out of a car).

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