
What is life? What is its benifits?What is its aim?

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What is life? What is its benifits?What is its aim?




  1. Hi, life for me is the thing gave to us to experiance the happy,sad and lonely times in the time of life and it's benefits are we have the chance to see the world.It's aim is to make us mature and change our behaviour,the chance to see our loved ones and evrything in our surronding.

  2. Life is learning lessons the faster we learn the further we get. If it not we get stuck in a rut, It's benefits are our experiences both good and bad as they change us  and mold us along the way to make us the people that we are.

  3. Life is joy. Making things better for everyone, including myself. The benefit is we get to see what we can do and know it will be here long beyond us. Aim to be great with integrity.

  4. RAINBOWS........

    Rainbows would never be rainbows

    If sunshine had never met rain

    No one would ever need comfort

    If there was no sadness and pain

    But LIFE holds both sunshine and showers

    The day aren't all bright and fair

    So look through the showers for the rainbows

    You'll always find hope shining there..............


    LOVE ALL.......Easy to say but difficult to fpllow.......

       But not too difficult and impossible..........Lets practice......

  5. we are here to learn, grow and teach. if no one taught us anything, wed never learn anything. so how can you grow with out knowing anything.

  6. Nobody can answer the question 'What is life' because we are all a part of it and life is different for everybody, its benefits are different for everybody, and its aims are different for everybody.

    There isn't an equation we can apply to define who gets what, or how we get where, its far too complex.

    My philosophy is that its all down to Luck. The randomness of what little sperm just happened to be the lucky half-ling to hit the billion to one jackpot, the luck to become someone, the luck to be free of pain and hunger, the luck to be able to see, hear, feel, and think. The luck to have a life. After that its all down to what individuals want to make of their life. Some people work, some people worry, some people enjoy what they have and some people get greedy for more, and some people just sit and wait for their luck to turn bad.

  7. LIFE  is what you make it !!!!  BENEFITS of it is when you see the fruits of your hardships and the joy of what you have achieved. AIM - depends on what you wanna do with your life..... my aim is to live life to the fullest, enjoy every second of it with the people i love and be myself as life only comes once.

  8. Life is a test for us all, by God.  It is not real, only a figment of our imagination.  True life begins when we die............

  9. In its broadest sense life has no aim or purpose other than to try and continue its own existence. And that can be a very hit or miss affair as the species becoming extinct today or the mass extinctions in the deep past (dinosaurs etc) testify.

    Human life? Depends whether you mean as a species or as individuals? As individuals we have to find things that give our lives purpose (aim) and meaning. Given there’s 6 billion of us there’s no one thing that will apply to everyone other than the most basic: Eating, Drinking , Sleeping, Shelter, Warmth, s*x, A Sense of Belonging and Acceptance etc. After that I guess ‘happiness’ and ‘purpose’, in whatever form that takes for each individual.

    To determine if there are deeper aims, meaning or purpose to life and existence you'd have to explore the realms of philosophy, religion and spirituality.

  10. grain is correct give her points.

    said it better than i ever could.

  11. life: is way u think ! Benefits: " has a chance to experience being a human "!! And , the aim to die !

  12. It's a ba$tard,no benefits other than to pi$$ us off and it's aim is pointless!

  13. No aim. No benefits. Life just is. Its actually that simply. Thinking makes it otherwise.

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