
What is life and why is it designed for you to fail?

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To be honest i am really confused about what is life, what is the meaning of life and how is it to be designed to fail. I have to many questions for it to even be put in words. I am 18 years old, i know i am really young and i work my *** off at work, in school, i am not bad looking and i do workout, have a girlfriend (but thats really confusing) i have the finer things in life, but why am i here? Why do i have to fail to succeed. When will i know my life is complete?

It seems like life is based on luck. The people you know, how you present yourself, and how you show yourself to people and being at the right place at the right time is the key in success with 20 percent pure working your *** off. WHY?!

Is it really worth it?

Should i start over for me to figure this out? Move and start from scratch?




  1. It is natural to feel so when people craving for bigger things than what they possess at present. Feel less than what you are; then you will feel the magic of becoming rich. I am not saying that you should not try for big things.  Let it go a side but don't let your mind to lose your peace.  Let it be one of your entertainments.  

  2. How can you ask what life is and presume that it is designed to fail.  I agree with you, you seem a little confused.  Life is more than 'yours' or 'mine' but is shared by all life.  Individual obstructions come from a failure to recognize the inner Self and projecting the ego/self onto the outer world that seems screwed up.  

    From part of what you wrote you explain that you have material satisfaction which isn't your problem.  The good news is you realize this and just looking for something more.  When material things are no longer overvalued and the source of happiness is realized to be from within as a result of simply being what one is then we no longer see ourselves at the 'mercy of life.'

    You need to figure out what you really want and follow the ones who have it.

  3. nice questions... i think you are bored of ur life and mechanically doing things. ur lifes meaning will ultimately be another soul, myt be ur wife or kid etc. living for somebody or even urself isthe meaning of life.  

    i can suggest you to do things which has been your dream. do everything you like to and want to. then you'll feel vry very lively.  if u enjoy ur life, ur presence in this  world is fulfilled...

  4. Life is not a living thing and it doesn't have an universal meaning, you have to find what makes you happy and give your life purpose, life was not designed. Why are you here is not the issue, the situationn is you ARE here so what are you going to do with your life. You failed to succeed, in what? What is success, nothing but a human concept.

    I think 20% is too much, the percentage might be lower,.

    Is life worth it is not a question that can possibly be answered, your own questions show that YOU're not satisfied with YOUR life, so you have to analyze that and hopefully change it.

  5. Yes, it's worth it.

    Yes, it is based on tons of luck, and the dice really are loaded. There is only one way to truly learn anything, and that's by failing. The more painfully you fail, the better you come to know yourself and the more you can willfully do.

    Only a very small fraction of everything you do, is really done by your own free will. You must find out what those things are, and make those decisions very carefully. And forgive the fact that the rest is out of your hands - be thankful it is not worse for you than it is, and deal.

    Your life is already complete right now, in this very moment. You're 18, you look great, you work hard, you have a girlfriend who confuses you - there is nothing missing. Believing in and wanting "success" that you don't have, is the cause of your anxiety.

    Is your idea of "success," really what you want? What if you had it tomorrow? You'd still be demanding to know why you're here, only you wouldn't be able to find much out because you'd have no opportunities to s***w up and learn. What if you knew you'd never have the kind of success you desire - but something totally different, and a ton better? Well, I think it's most likely true.

    Moving and starting from scratch won't hurt anything, but don't make a habit of it because wherever you go, there you are.

  6. because life sucks and it wants you to lose!!!

    be smart and realise life is c**p,

    Life = Sucks

  7. its half luck, half choice. i'm not sure why you're trying to "complete" life or "start over" as if you have such a choice.. but I think thats the wrong way to look at it. success/failure is all relative, those things you mentioned (good looking, school, girlfriend etc.) are pointless if from them you don't derive some sort of deeper satisfaction, and thats what I think you're lacking. maybe you should take a break from everything and go on a solitary cruise, try to figure out whats really important to you and what you're wasting time on. then maybe you'll feel better.good luck whatever you do though.

  8. its designed for you to grow.. and hence, you fail, so you can learn :)

    your life will be complete when you decide to be happy and realise that every experience, whether it be a failure is your chance to grow and get better in life. life is for doing and enjoying! it never stops and it keeps changing but thats the joy of it :)

    you also make you own luck, if your make habits to think and act positively then good things will come, believe me ;)

  9. you know, if you suicide now, you will never have to face all the troubles in the future, life was designed to have more pains than fun so why play this game and just quit and suicide, its so easy to quit just jump off some building and you don't have to suffer again.

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