
What is life in Australia like?

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I am 16, living in the US with my family who are thinking about starting life in Australia.

A few questions:

What is life like there?

College life? (Planning on going to college after graduating from highschool)

What is the best area/city to live in?


How diverse are the people? (I am half Thai so is it easy to fit in and adapt?)

Job opportunities and housing?

What is the social life like there?

Australian views on politics, people of different races, etc?

Anything else you have to tell me will help also, thank you




  1. pretty laid back.

  2. I would say that Australia is arguably the best place to live in the world, I think it is anyway having travelled and lived internationally a fair bit. It's safe, high-tech, friendly, casual and free-thinking. It's very multi-cultural (most people are half something or other, no-one would even notice that you were half Thai), not very religious compared to the US, and there is a lot less poverty.

    University students are also from all over the world, education is an important 'export' for Australia.

    All the cities are nice to live in, and there are very few 'bad' areas, it just depends on what sort of climate you want and how busy/big a city you prefer - north is warmer and more humid, but most of Australia is warm to hot.

    Because we are selling such a large amount of metals/minerals, especially to China, there are plenty of jobs. The economy is booming - unlike the US we keep having interest rate rises to slow it down.

    Australian politics is simpler than the US as the parties choose their own leader internally, most Australians are not members of a political party. Voting is compulsory in all elections, and Australian governments tend to be just a little more left wing than America's.

    Health care is free or inexpensive for all permanent reidents, and the minimum wage is much higher. We don't tip for this reason.

    Hope this helps :)

  3. i think you would fit in fine us aussies are generally very accepting of people of different races and there are lots of people from all over the world living here. some places you would even notice not many white people around so dont worry about being half thai. i think the best area to live depends on what you like to do, if you like the beach then check out any of our coastline except too far south coz its too cold. if you like snow there are places that get snow, we have such a varied country your family would find somewhere they love here. things are pretty easygoing in general.

  4. 1) Life here is great! (except for some of the racial tension, but you'de expect that anywhere you go)

    2) Colleges (Universities) here are great. The degrees are internationally recognised and we have great facilities.

    3) Sydney or Melbourne

    4) Great weather, arguably the best weather in the world.

    5) We've got people from all over the glabe. After all, behind Israel, we have allowed in the most immigrants.

    6) Lots of job oppurtunities, housing is a bit tight in Sydney though.

    7) Great social life, most people are very outgoing.

    8) Aussies tolerate anyone except for those who aren't greatful for being in Australia rather than their war-torn country.

    Come to Australia. I love it and I'm sure you will too.

  5. I live in Perth, Western Australia and not that i have been overseas but from what people have told me Australia is the best place to live as far as government wise and socially, there are so many nationalities over here and are accepted! I have been to Sydney and would prefer Perth life as it is not as fast paced as Sydney.

    Well i dont know what the weather is like in the US but when its Summer here it can be very hot or average sometimes humid, winter can be very wet. Job oppurtunities are great especially for young people to have part time work while studying and there are so many options for University over here and can be internationally recongnised also.

    I think Perth, WA is a very relaxed city and is perfect for growing up in! Social life here i guess would be the same as the US i dont think there is as much crime (only from what i hear on the news about issues in the US) but a lot of people go to Fremantle for coffee or dinner, theres plenty of shopping centres and cinemas, bowling alleys, ice skating i guess it would be the same over there.

    I hope some of this has been helpful !! Good luck

  6. I'm almost 16, I live in Brisbane, Queensland, and I believe myself to be very lucky indeedy. =)

    College life I believe is totally different, we don't have junior, senior, sophomore etc... it's just called university really.

    Weather in Brisbane is mostly mild and clear, with thunderstorms in summer.

    Diversity - you'll have no problems fitting in, Australians are either relatives of convicts, immigrants or native aborigines - or a mix of course!

    There's a bit of an employment crisis, so most buisnesses are constantly looking for employers, but i'm no expert.

    It's a great place, come to brisbane!

  7. What sort of weather is your family wanting?, because we have every type of weather conditions you can name. So if mum and dad are wanting a warm climate, then pick Queensland or the Northern Territory. If they are wanting cooler or snow conditions then pick Tasmania, Victoria, or South Australia. The life style is very laid back and people are very easy going here. What gets up the noses of Australians is people choosing to live here and not taking on the Australian way and try to change Australia to their ways back home where they come from. So your half Thai?, so what come on over and join in, you will love our beaches, but remember to swim between the red flags if you go to the Queensland beaches as we have alot of under currents at times and they can drag you out to sea.

  8. the weather is pretty good

    best city? most people are divided between sydney and melbourne but im a sydneysider so id say sydney, we have wonderful beaches shopping etc etc

    college...its called university here, there are good universities but unlike the US most people dont live on campus but go to uni in their home cities

    people are pretty diverse; in some areas theres actually more people from countries other than australia than from here

    you should move =]

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