
What is life like in Richmond, Virginia?

by Guest64719  |  earlier

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I'm a nursing student in NJ and I want to move out of state when I graduate. Richmond fits so far but I need to know more. I can search online for demographics all I want, but I'd prefer a real person who has experienced it.

1) If I am wrong about the level of their health care, please let me know. I am only guessing it is good b/c it's a well known city close to DC.

2) Is it true that the crime rate is high?

3) Are the surrounding areas poor and crime-ridden, or are they mainly suburbs?

4) Which stereotype is more accurate: sweet and polite. OR, racist and unwelcoming. I would imagine inbetween, but you tell me : )

but you don't have to answer all those, tell me anythingggg




  1. I hear it has a very high crime rate, even in the richer communities.

  2. richmond is ok i lived in virginia for 22 years but i have been in richmond but i dont live there but its ok it big but i dont know exacly how the people are there in that part.  

  3. richmond is a very blue colar place to live i live in northern Va its WAY nicer i think you would perfer it here

  4. Richmond is great.  Kept all it old buildings, carrytown, a lot of hidden dive jazz clubs and restaurants.  Murder rate is a little high but if you don't buy or sell drug that won't be a problem.  Neither of those two stereotypes are correct.  Richmond is a yuppie and artistic town b/c of the VCU.  The suburbs are nice Shortpump, Chesterfield, Powatan and Chester.  The best place to in live in the city is on the west end or the fan.   Be nice to the bums.  You can smoke in the restaurants and bars.  Richmond is a real city think New York before Giuliani.

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