
What is life?Difference bet. living and non living?

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If everything is made of sub atomic particles (Even energy and matter are not different)then what is the difference bet living and non living?




  1. in sceince life is breathing,regenerates ,response to other life but somehow a non living is kind decaying elements and they don't have an idea how to respond to their same order.

    Bible any beliefs life has a special characteristics and only GOD can explain .... life is amany splendored things that you think it was boring or exciting. that's it

  2. From the terms itself, living has a life and non living has no life

  3. Life is existence in the physical world. Living things grow while non-living things don't.

  4. livivng means alive, non living means dead

  5. the scientific definition is that it eats and can reproduce itself by it's own process. For example viruses are not technically "alive" because they cannot reproduce under thier own power, they must hijack a cell to do this for them.  

  6. To "finish" The Buffalo's definition.

    Life uses energy (metabolizes), excretes, reproduces, grows, and exhibits stimulusous response.


  7. There is no physical difference. "Life" is simply a particular arrangement of atoms and molecules that we choose to label. Even the biologists have some difficulty in drawing the line, indicating that there are significant questionable or grey areas. Living things follow precisely the same laws of physics as everything else; they are not magic.

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