
What is like being a parent?

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Also what is the most difficult thing about being a parent?




  1. when i 1st found out i was having a baby i cryed for 4 days!!! id never planed on having children as id just set up my own stables.i had my baby in april and ive never been happyer i love being a mum iwans a happy little baby and when he looks up at me and smiles it makes me cry with happyness as im so prowed of him.yes there are times when its hard work but all the first times make up for everything else.the hardest thing so far has beeb when iwans had wind which used to make him realy upset and sometimes having tryed everything all you can do some times is to comfort them and it makes you feel helpless.good luck with your baby.

  2. hard bloody work but i wouldnt give them back in a million years

  3. Hard! Fun. Sometimes life stealing but the most amazing thing ever!!!!!

    The hardest thing for me is realising I've bought my son into a really sh***y world! It scares me.

  4. I love being a parent, its the best feeling ever having your child some to you just to give you a kiss or a big hug just for no reason other than that they love you unconditionally.

    The funny things they do or say, the excitement on birthdays or Christmas morning makes it all worth while.

    The worst thing is the thought of them being born into this world of perverts and pedophiles and just nasty people

  5. its hard work but worth every minuite the worse part is not having anytime for yourself and the constant worry that comes from being reponsible for this little person, you want to protect them from the world and all the nasty people in it.

    my daughter is 18 month now and becoming very independent i dread the day she goes out in to the big wide world on her own i wish you could keep them as your baby forever

  6. screams, crying, no sleep,

    having to pack a suitcase before you leave the house,

    having to food shop while pushing a pushchair

    getting up/ down stairs

    Having to fold a pushchair whilst baby in arm

    Having no me time any more

    been woken up at 6am in the morning

    Getting messy with food and wee (potty training)

    Feeling lonely

    Feeling on demand 24/7

    but there are positives too

    like seeing your child smile

    watching them develop and do new things

    baby bond and ultimate love!

    See the bad out weighs...

  7. its hard work but worth it!

    and the most difficult thing is the guilt and worrying that something might happen to them x

  8. Its a huge life changing experience and a lot of hard work. I love what we've created though.

    I can't pin point the most difficult thing - probably feeling such an incredible attatchment and love for this tiny being & fearing that they could be hurt or taken from you.

  9. its great i love being a mum to my 2 little boys aged 5 and 2 the most difficult thing for me is seeing my kids ill and helpless i hate seeing them in pain. nothing is to difficult once you have got the hang of being a parent everything comes natural to you :)

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