
What is like if something says u get 25% off of 99.99 how much would that be??

by  |  earlier

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What is like if something says u get 25% off of 99.99 how much would that be??




  1. it is easy to work out if it is 25% THEN THAT IS 25 PENCE OF IN EVERY POUND IF IT WAS 10%THEN IT WOULD BE 10 PENCE IN EVERY POUND OF

  2. YOU WOULD GET $24.99999999 OFF THE ITEM

  3. $74.99

    99.99 times .25 = 25.00

    99.99 minus 25.00 = 74.99

    a short cut is to take the full price times the reciprocal (100 minus 25 = 75) .75 for the price after the discount.

  4. Didn't you believe everybody who answered this question the last time you asked it?

    25 percent of a hundred is 25! So you would get $25 off and your total cost would be $75!

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