
What is like the party life in Europe?(please compare with us)?

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In US, there is a high chance to get laid in house or college parties. Can anyone explain how European girls hot or ready to s*x in college/university life?




  1. Haha dude you're never gonna get laid, just give up now before you humiliate yourself even more.

  2. i am stationed in germany with my husbands and the girls here barely where any clothes its disgusting. There is a strip club 10 minutes from where i live that you can get s*x for 10 euro about 18$... its ridiculous it really is  

  3. i live in Britain

    or United Kingdom

    and if you go into a club

    you get s*x & drugs

    and hardcore raves

    people even have s*x in the club in front of everyone

  4. The majority have more dignity.

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