
What is like to live in Ireland?

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What is like to live in Ireland?




  1. It's very expensive but a great place to live.

  2. I assume you are talking about the Republic of Ireland?

    It has a temperate climate but it rains a lot.  It doesn't get nearly as driechy (dark, misty and damp) as Scotland though.

    The people are probably the friendliest nation on earth (though they get harder to understand the further west you go as you get more Gaelic speakers and some of the auld fellas mix up English, Gaelic and Guinness to the point that having a conversation can get tricky).

    But it's a fabulous country (I'm English btw but thinking of moving there 'cause I like it so much!) and the men are (in my experience) extremely well brought up.

  3. It has miserable weather always raining and wet.

  4. For a start, there's a whole lot of Irish people there.

  5. Brilliant, I wouldn't live anywhere else!

  6. I've never lived anywhere else so I dont know how it compares to other countries but I love living here. sure it always raining and it can be really expensive but people are friendly and there's a great atmosphere :D

  7. It is nice living in Ireland .You can get 4 seasons in a day (rain cold snow sunshine)we are a friendly race of people.People will go out of their way to help you.It is expensive to live here but I suppose its worth it.Education is very good here also

  8. It can be cold & miserable but the people more than make up for it

  9. You get to meet a lot of Irish people. It's probably colder than living in spain.

  10. It does rain a h**l of a lot. And since they went over to the Euro it has become quite expensive. But on the plus side, you'll struggle to find a country anywhere in the world that is more beautiful.

  11. its absloutely wonderful living in Ireland!!!!!

  12. its all right living here you get used to the weather when your born here as for everything else it is getting expensive here its not like the Ireland in the 80s or 90s the people are nice its not like anywhere else in the world and their is not a lot of people that speak Irish its a dyeing language as i can see the crack is gone out of the pubs in the country pubs as not to many go out now with the smoking ban the only thing original about Ireland at the moment is its Irish and mountains and lakes and of course the moonshine what else can i say bring back the 90s regards

  13. Well, things are cheap, medical and dental are free if yo have a medical condition or youre pregnant. The language is different and I think its all around great.

  14. I love northern Irish humour it great craic!!!

  15. isn't that where there doing "I'm a celebrity"?

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