
What is liquid nitrogen used for?

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What is liquid nitrogen used for?




  1. Fooling around in lab, mostly.

    Freezing spinach and then smashing it on tables...  Taking shots of liquid nitrogen is pretty awesome too, since it evaporates as soon as it hits your throat and you breathe out smoke.

  2. In general as a coolant in laboratories.

    And their special use is in Superconductors

  3. used for super conductors so that current passing through would no cause any heat as heat reduces the current flow and causes loss of energy.

    Liquid nitrogen is COOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!!

  4. You can use it for cooling things,

    Freezing warts and verucas off people.

    Cooling down bearings so that they shrink and can be placed inside a housing where they will warm up, expand and have a nice tight fit.

    Lots of uses involving cooling things.

  5. Coolant

  6. *Liquid nitrogen is valued for coldness as well as inertness.  When liquid nitrogen is vaporized and warmed to ambient temperature, it absorbs a large quantity  of heat.  The combination of inertness and its intensely cold initial state makes liquid nitrogen an ideal coolant for certain applications such as food freezing.  Liquid nitrogen is also used to cool materials which are heat sensitive or normally soft to allow machining or fracturing.  Examples are used tires, plastics, certain metals and even pharmaceuticals.

    *Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze and destroy skin growths, such as warts, keratoses and precancers.

    *Liquid nitrogen is also used in some MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) devices to pre-cool the low temperature magnets prior to using much more expensive liquid helium for final cooling.

  7. My company uses it for rapid cooling in our environmental test chambers, and for achieving temperatures below what the compressor-based chillers/refrigerators can provide.

    Also... when cooling something rapidly or below the dew-point, especially in a humid environment (outside the test chamber), condensation forms liquid water on the surface.  Cold Nitrogen gas  displaces the oxygen and water vapor inside the chamber, greatly reducing the condensation of water on the surfaces of what we are testing.  Water is a bad thing, on the surfaces of what we test.


  8. Freezing stuff...really quickly.

    Shattering liquid metal Terminators.

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