
What is live view????

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I noticed new digital cameras have live view. Now I know what live view is but why didn't all dslr's have this feature? What stopped then from putting it on old dslr's? Anybody know?




  1. Live view lets you see what is in the viewfinder on the LCD screen this is helpful in situations where you are holding the camera in a position you cannot easily get your eye to the viewfinder This feature was in point and shoots but in traditional DSLR the mirror would have to be in the up position and the shutter open to let light go to the sensor. I know the newer cameras have conquered this Ithey do it with the mirror locked in the up position  since that is the case then you cannot use the viewfinder and liveview at the same time. I have not used this on my D300 but if you use autofocus when you depress the shutter release halfway the mirror will have to drop to let the camera focus then raise again . If they are calling it LiveView I am guessing you have a Nikon ... congratulations and enjoy

  2. You know how point and shoot cameras always show what the CCD sees on the back LCD?  Live View is Nikon's version of that for some of their DSLRs.

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