
What is logical peace?

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What is logical peace?




  1. You may be referring to the peace of mind that one can achieve by logically working through a problem and discerning a solution or a reason for an action.

  2. take the mid-east conflict that is far from peace.  why?  'cos one side has no logical reasoning.  they use brute force to get what they want.  its not logical and hence the other side retaliate.  the situation is ridiculous and no peace in sight.  

    we hv to knock the heads of both parties and those fanatics for them to see peace or they continue to use violence to try to get their aims.  no one would win in the end.  

    its time they really sit and talk - as its proven that fighting is not working.

    the logical peace is compromise

  3. logical peace doesnt really exist. But it could be when every thing is still and no problems are in the air no wars are happening around you and you are happy. thats what it is to me.
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