
What is love and what does it mean to you? Sign and Venus/Mars?

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I'm referring to love for a significant other.

Also....What is considered too much love for you significant other?

NOT love for friends or family, pets, etc.

Just your bf/husband or Gf/Wife


Aquarius Venus & Mars




  1. love is DEAD.

    cancer sun

    aries rising

  2. Love for me means;

    caring about someone unconditionally--no matter the mistakes they make, any of their imperfections. No matter how their looks may change.

    The feeling you get when a hug from them takes away all of your problems/makes life's trials worth it.

    just hearing their voice--you KNOW everything is going to be OK

    Cap sun



  3. love should be passionate and playful, where you will just smile when u look at the person and the person smiles back. what a kind of feeling!~


    Sagittarius venus, aries mars  

  4. Love for me is when in a random moment it suddenly hits me: I want this person so much, I can't live without him and I just feel I will burst

    because of the emotion...

    Sun in Gemini, Moon/Mercury/Venus in Cancer,Mars in Capricorn

  5. It is a wonderful 'entity' I cannot describe, and I am still finding out that for myself (the translation of what you imagine into real life....)

    honestly, I am not the best person to describe I understand this is an area of my life that is very much present within me, but needs to be developed/fine tuned, but i do believe it has no limits, and there can never be too much if it is indeeed love and not sap or something

    for me, it's when i start feeling a snese of being complete or completeness.....something that i normally never feel

    danger....the behavior your describe is very libraonic

  6. I think... I don't really know what love completely is yet. I don't think I have really loved somebody, but I have these indescribable feelings towards somebody that I have never felt before. I don't really think its love, but its something far deeper then a crush or a general attraction.

    I dunno. I have yet to experience that emotion towards a significant other.

    Love means (to me) care so much about somebody that you would give your life for them. That you would comfort and support that someone no matter what. To accept them for who they are, flaws and all. To be "one" with that person I guess.

    Venus: Libra

    Mars: Sagittarius

  7. Love is like really strong friendship.'

    Being able to share feelings. It's an invisible pull that connects two people. It's not always serious. It's laughter and smiles as well. The other person makes you feel truly happy, and glad to live.

    Too much love? No such thing. Only physically. Smothering the other person just isn't healthy. BUT there isn't such a thing as "feeling too much love"

    Edit: Lol, gee Shady, had a bad day?

  8. Love is just a really good feeling i get until i get bored and realize there is so much more to life then him.

  9. Love is that which reduces the unending well of ideas a proud bard who considers himself eloquent beyond the norm and mentally adept into nothing more than a parched hole of speechlessness and granite.

    Pisces Sun. Aries Venus. Aries Mars.

  10. To me, love is about mutual respect, camaraderie, and understanding. I think it requires more than just passion to keep people together, and it can be damaging if emotions are all you have.

    But when passion and respect are both at work in a relationship, love is a wonderful, powerful, thing. My parents were so in love with each other, I sometimes wondered if fate meant for them to be together. But I don't think it's that way for everyone. Some of us are meant to find that one person to spend our lives with, others aren't.

    I would love to find a man or woman to give my heart to, if I find them I'll work hard to be a wonderful partner. But if I don't, I'm content to live my life loving the people around me in different ways.

    Sagittarius Sun

    Venus Capricorn

    Scorpio Mars

  11. In my eyes there is no such thing as too much love.

    To me love means two souls intertwined, we have to

    understand each other completely because if you love

    someone that much, you shouldn't have to work at it

    unless your obsessed which I am most of the time.

    I never want my significant other to leave me, I spy on

    them just to find out what they need, what they desire.

    That's probably how I got into astrology because I had always

    wanted others to want me. I would rearrange who I was just to fit their needs...jesus I'm obsessed...and I knew how to because

    I know what they want and need in a partner.

    I'm a loco Libra Rising/Sun/Venus & Mars in Virgo it should be in Scorpio lol.

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