
What is love ????????????????

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What is love ????????????????




  1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

    i know this is highly impersonal, but i have yet to feel it for someone so i cant give the greatest definition

  2. You might not know until you find it. :) Then, you'll know

  3. LOVE is the strongest will. Will is the force that drives us into doing things.

  4. One of my favorite questions.

    LOVE is a decision.  Look it up in the dictionary too.

    Then you shall have a much better understanding.  Cheers

  5. an affection organisms usuallyy humans have for each other mostly a positve feeling. there r different kinds of love. example love between parents and childern is different from husband and wife. love is mostly a feeling an individual gets by hormones, testorone in males and estrogen in females. i am no doctor just read alot on wikipedia by the way here is the link

  6. *Mary does the Diet Pepsi max head bop*

    "Wake up people!" is just the adoration and devotion one feels for another. It's a mix of emotions that ultimately balance out and rationalize a person's attraction to another.

  7. youre a r****d!

  8. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person

    but besides that, love is what gives you (mostly of the times) the strength, the motivation and the sense of life.

    On the other hand, love is a tool to harm someone else's feelings. (i know ironic) but here is the thing: you love somebody to much, and when he/she 's gone, your soul is partly empty (like when your parents die, or someone else.)

    or like when you fell in love, and then you got a broken heart.

    It could be measured like with newton's 2* law. the more you love someone, the more harm you'll get (i don't mean always)

    sometimes love makes you retarded. like when you're trying to get somebody's attention (to whom you got a crush). or leads you to commit a series of things that don't make any sense (when to strong the feeling, could even lead people to commit suicide). and just because of a unique, human feeling called love.

    love is what keeps together an entire unit (a couple, a family, and even a nation)

    love is what makes from a simple person, the greates and most special human being of this world.

    that and much more

    by the way, this question would be asked by a robot or something alike. i'm wondering if they could feel in the same way we do. in a unknown future may be. well, even though, some of us don't, you know criminals and military people and stuff. it is say that they got a robot heart that couldn't feel anything, (some of my family members claim to feel that way, lol).


  9. when you like that person so much that you could never picture being apart from them; and whatever you do, you cant get them out of your mind(:

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