
What is lsd?

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What is lsd?




  1. Usually it is a hallucinogen, but you would have to know the context, because there are all sorts of shorthands out there.

  2. Lindsaywhat is correct; you need to be more specific about what the abbreviation is referring to. It would be very helpful if you would say how or where the abbreviation is used. Is it supposed to be an i or an L? If it is Lsd, and I am assuming it is, it could be the hallucinogenic drug Lindsaywhat mentioned. But, it could also be referring to low sexual desire, Lumpy skin disease, or lysosomal storage disease. Abbreviations often have several meanings, especially in science and medicine.

  3. (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) a synthetic hallucigenic drug. does not produce hallucenigins but more severe distrotions and thinking.

    you're not really specific in your question.

  4. immune system disorder
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