
What is madeup of the moon?

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What is madeup of the moon?




  1. Very funny, guys.

    The moon is made of rock, mostly granite.

  2. blue cheese

  3. i love this question.

    the light-colored rocks that make up the Lunar highlands, have been shown to be made up of plagioclase feldspars.  Here on Earth, we have a name for one plagioclase feldspar, that is a milky white gemstone....  Moonstone.

    Ironic, no?

  4. yellow cheese

  5. Swiss I guess that makes the Swiss cheezy.

  6. there are 2 says about the madeup of the moon

    the frst is: that the moon and earth were one pece but because of the falling stars  they were sepperated and it is cloase to the earth bec the gravity of the earth.

    the second: when the planets were made the moon was already seperated and bec the gravity it is near to the earth.

    I hope that I answer your question.  

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