
What is manglik?

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What is manglik?




  1. it can be known as "Mangal-dosh", "Kuja-dosh" or "Manglik".

    Mangal or Kuja is the Sanskrit name for Mars. Manglik or Mangal-dosh, etc. are Sanskrit words that mean

    - "Spoiled by Mars."

    Mars-Spoiled has a very strong impact on romance and marriage. Mars is a very independent man, having almost nothing in common with Venus. He is agressive, outgoing, and domineering. When you have Mars in the wrong place in your chart, then too much of his nature gets into your own and you have a hard time with marriage and romance.

    The solution to being manglik is to marry another Manglik. Two mangliks can understand each other and get along well.

    you are manglik if mars in 4th house

  2. Hi,

    Manglik is a person who has mars placed in the Ist, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th house.

    A manglik should marry only a another manglik or a person having saturn in the above houses according to his/her chart.

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  3. A Manglik is a man that's got Mars in is personality.!!!
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