
What is mankind's oldest vice? Any ideas?

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What is mankind's oldest vice? Any ideas?




  1. It's got to be masturbation, surely? ; )

  2. Prostitution!

  3. Prostitution.

  4. drinking???

  5. Man's oldest vice is definitely prostitution. That has been a constant throughout history. Forms of drinking and such have also been around, but typically not thought of in the same way as prostitution.

  6. fornication

  7. s*x: fornication and adultery and homosexuality

    remember Sodom and Gomorrah

  8. Intemperance.

  9. I think everybody else here is correct in guessing s*x, or some form of s*x... but if you're looking for something external... I dunno, maybe tobacco?

  10. either s*x or alcohol .

  11. Greed.

  12. think of best possible ways to achieve their desires.

  13. murder

  14. control and power

  15. the ability to learn from mistakes

  16. Selfishness. Any wrongdoing or vice can be led back to selfishness, including s*x, drunkenness, greed, etc.

    And to Gina W: Cain killed Abel before Sodom and Gomorrah. So I would think jealously and murder came before sodomy.

  17. Whoring or to the kids, prostitution.

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