
What is margin in stock market?

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I am new to stock marketing...





  1. margin is borrowed money that is used to invest.

    definitely NOT for beginners, and almost always poison to any retail investor's portfolio.

  2. The first answer you received, "margin is borrowed money that is used to invest", is margin debt, not margin.

    More generally, in a brokerage account "margin" is a "sum deposited with a broker to cover risk of loss" or collateral.

    For example, if I have $100,000 worth of GE stock in a margin account, my broker will allow me to borrow money using the stock as collateral. I can use that money to buy more stock, buy a car, or buy a $10,000 bottle of wine.

    I can also use margin without borrowing money. For example, if I want to sell a stock short I am required to use margin to demonstrate I have the ability to purchase that stock (cover the short position) even if it goes up in value.

    If you are talking about a business, instead of a brokerage portfolio, "margin" has a very different meaning. For example, if I buy something for $10.00 and sell it for $12.00 I say I had a profit margin of $2.00, the difference between the amount paid and received.

    Depending upon the context, the word "margin" may be used either way when discussing the stock market.

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