
What is mate?

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What is mate?




  1. friend, fellow, to reproduce

  2. a type of tea which is good for your digestion which is mainly only drunk in argentina and other south american countries.

  3. Mate comes from a bush called ilex paraguayensis. It is consumed as a tea, and usually served on a small dried gourd and sipped through a silver or metal straw called "bombilla" (small pump). It is very common in Argentina, Uruguay and in the sourh of Brazil. Specially in Paraguay is served cold, and in this way is called "tereré". Strained and served on a cup is call "mate cocido' (cooked mate), and sometimes hot milk is used instead of water. Some people pur orange peel in the gourd or "caña" (rum) or "ginebra" (gin)

    In Uruguay is very common to see people walking in the streets or even driving cars o buses whit a thermos bottle under their arms and a mate in their hands, sipping and sipping gallons of mate.

  4. yerba mate is an herbal tea drank in Argentina. To drink mate is an art. Mostly, this is a daily ritual among family and friends.

    The process is the following:

    A pot with water is placed on the stove to boil

    A gurd is filled with the mate and a bit of sugar is added. A "bombillo", a straw-like gadget is place inside of the gurd. Then, the boiling water is added and the "mate" is offered to all the people in the room. Each one will take a turn at sipping the tea from the gurd.

    Foreigners may find this practice a bit unusual since every one sips the mate from the same "bombillo." However, this tradition has been going on for several centuries.
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