
What is maxis marketing strategies?

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  1. For over 4 years Hotlink has had a variety of online programs with their customer and continues to service several program for different divisions within the company. Due to customer needs, Hotlink makes a solution to strength the communication between sales and marketing teams, Hotlink tries to increase sales productivity through integrated tools for managing relationships, increase on marketing strategies for acquisition, development and retention of clients and also improve customer interaction, loyalty and service with clients.
    Hotlink was chosen to partner with a program design team from Sales and Marketing to develop the customer need.
    Hotlink began with assessing and identifying core dynamics between sales and marketing. This process included interviews with members of the marketing, sales and financial teams within this customer. For the result – Hotlink and the customer mapped out the “best practices” for having sales integrate with marketing (and vise versa) and a web-based tool-kit for coordinated activities.
    Hotlink collaborated with the program design team to identify processes appropriate for automation and strategies for communicating the new program to sales. The intent was to provide a seamless websites for sales where they would be able to focus o their core business strengths and rely in the Hotlink solution to accomplish the customer needs.

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