
What is mean by n**i who are n**i's. Are they on Hitlers Side?

by  |  earlier

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i am reading a book and i found this word n**i's.




  1. I have never met anyone who doesn't know about the n**i Party. I don't know how old you are but if you are still in school I would advise your parents to have your history teacher fired.

    Yes Adolf Hitler was a n**i. He was a founder member of the party

  2. n**i's wer the poitical party that took power in Germany in 1933, Hitler was there leader, and was proclaimed chancellor on 30 janurary 1933, his power lasted for 12 years. chek out this link it will give you a lot of information, folow some of the links from it and you will get more

  3. Are you serious?  Almost everyone is the English speaking world knows what a n**i is.  yes, they were on Hitler's side.  They were a fascist group and political party.  Hitler was their leader or Fuhrer.

  4. National Socialist Democratic German Workers Party  or in German

    Nationale Sozialistische Demokratische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei

    was a party founded in the 1920s by anticommunists in the Weimar Republic. Adolf Hitler was an early member, but the party existed before he joined. The NSDAP was involved in the attempted military coup in Munich in 1922, and Hitler, along with others was arrested and jailed for their parts in the plot. His cellmate, Rudolf Hess, typed much of the manuscript of Mein Kampf in prison, to Hitler's (dare I say it) dictation. Mein Kampf (in English My Struggle) was Hitler's argument for the reason for a new revolution to establish a New Germany after the disgrace of World War I.

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