
What is mean by bio medical and what about this and what is the nature of job?

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What is mean by bio medical and what about this and what is the nature of job?




  1. The term "Biomedical" is very broad and basically means the biology of, or pertaining to, medicine. This term incorporates the divisions of cell biology, molecular biology, neuroscience, toxicology and pharmacology, pathology, physiology, molecular genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, and even biocomputing, according to their applications in medicine.

    Some companies use this term to describe themselves or their products, and again, is just a way to say that what they do is biological in nature and has medical implications.

    Most medical schools offer programs in Biomedical Science, such as the program that I am a part of, as a research based M.S. or Ph.D. program. There are usually core classes for the program, and area of interest that must be taken and passed, but most of the degree is centered around conducting research to answer a given question (your thesis).  Most research conducted looks at trying to cure disease, or otherwise advance the state of medical knowledge. When a medical school offers a M.D./ Ph.D. program, the Ph.D. is often in Biomedical Sciences.

    Those with a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences usually go on to several different fields. The most common is biomedical research, and is generally divided into research performed at academic institutions, and research performed at industrial institutions, such as pharmaceutical companies. This generally entails looking at various medical problems (i.e. cancer), and either developing drugs to treat a disease, learning more about how a disease works so that drugs can be developed to treat the disease, or learning more about how the human body works to better understand disease. Clinical trial research companies also employ Ph.D.s to design and troubleshoot the various phases of clinical trials that a drug needs to pass to be approved by the FDA.

  2. Question: "what is mean by bio medical":

    Definition of biomedical: "of or pertaining to biomedicine"

    You can find the definition for biomedicine here:

    Question: "what about this"

    Did you forget to attach a link to what you wanted to ask about?

    Question: "what is the nature of job"

    The term "biomedical" can be used to describe many different things, including biomedical research, biomedical engineering, biomedical computing, biomedical ethics, etc.

    Without you providing more detail about the job, it's impossible to tell you what the nature of the job will be.

    Good luck.

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