
What is mean(Your IP address is already downloading a file. Pease wait until the download is co?

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What is mean(Your IP address is already downloading a file. Pease wait until the download is co?




  1. Means you're already downloading a file. So please wait until the download is complete.

  2. I am currently having this problem.  I have Comcast.  I was dowloading through rapid share free, about to start another one, my cat sat on my keyboard, Explorer flipped several times, backspace  key or possible escape key, I think.  I removed the cat, tried to start the download again.  I got that error message.

    Now as for my downloading, I have erased all cookies, sent Symantec through, Spy Sweeper several times, unplugged router and modem, rebooted, disconnected router, modem and cable, rebooted, shut the computer off and went to bed.  Turn it back on and guess what?  Same IP address, still downloading.

    Rapid Share says I am using a proxy. says I am not.  Since I am networked with only two other computers in my house and they were turned off, they are not the culprits.

    I assumed (yes I know what the means <G>) that after 45 minutes or so, maybe several hours, it would have timed out.

    So is there a way I can force an IP change through Comcast?

  3. i think you downloading from free account in any file sharing website.. you can only download one file at a time if ur using free account. you have to wait until it finish downloading

  4. sounds like you're connecting to a service that allows only 1 connection from your IP address (Your computers address) at a time.  Something like a file sharing script will do this on a website if installed (on the website, not your computer).  

    You really should just delete the question or edit out your IP address you listed though :(  

    - LL

  5. I get that as well and i can tell you that is not his ip address.

    The ip that comes up in mine when i get this message is different to my actual ip.

    A lot of people are having this problem and i have yet to find a fix.

    It's a problem with rapidshare that they don't seem interested in fixing.

    My advice, find your file elsewhere and avoid rapidshare

  6. either you are downloading a file already and you have to wait for it to complete to download another one. it's like waiting in line to pay for something. Either that or someone on your network (your parents or siblings) is downloading from the same site.  

  7. take your ip address off of this right now!!! someone is going to ruin your computer!!! im serious

  8. it means you're downloadin' a file and you have to wait for your computer finishes it up. I'm guessin' you're downloadin' files from rapidshare or megaupload.

    Those services note your IP address. Because you're not a premium member you can only download one file at a time and they make you wait for a certain time before downloadin' the next file. So if you want to by pass them, just reset your modem or router, you should have a new IP address.

                                           Good Luck

    p.s: oh yeah, BTW your IP address is vital, don't put it up for exhibition. (You're from Erbil, Iraq) lol

  9. just what it says....did you command it?

  10. well if you have a wireless router that is unsecured i would say someone is using your connection

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