
What is meaning of cleave?

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What is meaning of cleave?




  1. To stick/cling

  2. break / split ...or make one's way through...(air or water)

    it may also mean adhere,stick fast (old english)

  3. it's one of a few strange English words that mean two things, exact opposites. It can mean to cut, to slice apart, or it can mean to stick or cling together (as in a married couple). Luckily it's quite an old-fashioned word and isn't used much anymore, which is good as it's very confusing to have two meanings!

  4. to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly  

  5. slice, cut, slash, smite, hew, chop

  6. Depends on context - it can mean 'split apart'  (as in butchery, usually using a meat cleaver , or axe), or 'stick to' as in tongue cleaving to the roof of the mouth - a biblical consequence of telling porkies. Which it is, should be obvious from the sense.

  7. to split, or make something split, especially along a plane of natural weakness

  8. means---adhere,cleaving------split apart

  9. Best and meaningful source is the encyclopedia.

    Always do that and you will have the correct interpretations.

  10. SLF is correct. The word has two meanings.  One meaning is to cut apart and the other is to stick to. The word goes back to the bible and was used in phrases like he cleaved unto his wife.  

  11. Split apart

    :) Varun

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