
What is meaning of puberty?

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What is meaning of puberty?




  1. growing up, or maturing into an adult.

  2. eeww! It is gross! Puberty means your getting bigger and girls grow their things!

  3. PUBERTY---one will be major from minoe---have beard and moustaches--body becomes more strong. girls start mensurational pd. and buys become more strong -- fit foer s* legal matters one is fully responsible for his deeds.


    Pubery (adolescence) is when you start to grow up to an adult.and you gain maturaty in behavior.

    During puberty, public hair develops; chest hair, pennis hair, facial hair for boys. Breast gets bigger. pelves gets bigger, hair develops in vigana area.

    * I'm in my puberty (age 14)

    when you are small child you don't understand your life's importance, but you understand as you grow.

    At puberty you struggle a lot at sleep - you get sperm and for girls they get Menstruation.

    "Life is a journey, that you have to travel, if you don't travel then you will be left behind" - thats why people say (have respect for time) or (go with the time)

    this is my song when i feel lonely - although it will be hard for you to understand this song besuase it is in hindi but just listen to the music-you will understand the song automatically when you feel lonely or want to have a free time.

  5. The time when a person physically matures and become capable of reproduction.

  6. its the onset of hormones and the body growing and changing if not for puberity every one would look 10.with no disire for a adult relationship

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