
What is meant by 'Sustainable Development' ?

by Guest44747  |  earlier

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The term Sustainable Development makes no sense??? it is like the terms:

Stationary Walk.

Silent Talk.

Wakeful Sleep.

Dark Sun

Gentle Torture.

Dry Rain.

Peaceful War.




  1. Allow me to tranlate.

    Sustainable development=Job security

  2. suatainable developement is the developement  that meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the the needs of the future generations.

  3. Sustainable development is making sure the resources and beauty of the environment of today is able to be used now but also available for future generations.

  4. No, they are oxymorons. Sustainable development means developing whilst making sure that materials and environments are maintained and that development can be 'sustained', rather than blown out after 200 years.

  5. 1 walking still

    2 talking silently

    3 dk

    4tourtueing gentaly

    5 rain feeel dry

    6 war with out violence

  6. Sustainable development is the growth or improvement in a country's environment, economic, and social conditions in a way of managing or using an area's natural and human resources PRUDENTLY and PROTECTIVELY in order to create wealth, improve people's lives, and meet human needs. This kind of development should also be sustainable, bearable, equidable, and viable.

  7. A widely-used and accepted international definition of sustainable development is: 'development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs' - Globally we are not even meeting the needs of the present let alone considering the needs of future generations.

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