
What is meant by Parapsychology?

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What is meant by Parapsychology?




  1. busca demostrar que existe vida despues da la muerte, y que es posible comunicarse con las muertos

  2. Parapsychology is the scientific study of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and the survival of the human consciousness after death.  It involves highly structured experiments and detailed statistical analysis. So what do those words mean?  Let me try to explain them in simple terms:

    telepathy - Sensing the thoughts and feelings of others without any physical cues to help.  Some people call this mind reading, but I consider that to be misleading terminology.

    clairvoyance - Sensing events that could not normally be perceived by the normal senses.  For example, one twin knows the exact moment that their sibling has been injured despite them being miles apart.  

    precognition - Sensing events that have not occurred yet.  A related skill is remote viewing which involves seeing a location or events in the past, present or future without being present.

    psychokinesis - Influencing physical objects without the use of recognized physical influence.  For example, causing a specific number to appear on dice or an electronic random number generator more than would be predicted by chance.  Also, spoon bending or moving objects without touching them.  Previously call telekinesis.

    survival of consciousness after death - Anything related to the experience of the human conscience after the physical body is dead.  This includes studies of spirit communication, near death experiences, and reports of knowledge of past lives by children.

    Parapsychology is not about ghost hunting, searching for big foot, finding the truth about UFOs or crop circles.  These phenomenon are considered paranomal events, but are not studied by parapsychologists.

    I've included some links below to give you more information about parapsychology and to introduce you to some organizations that study parapsychology. If you look at previous questions, you'll see that this topic has been explored on this forum before, and there are many good answers available.  Thanks for the question!

  3. Parapsychology:  Seeks to demonstrate the existence and causes of psychic abilities and life after death using the scientific method.

    Research, etc.

    So you would post a question like "What happens to our brains when we do astral project"..... "What brain part causes ESP?"

    Stuff like that...

  4. Anything that science can't explain and chooses to ignore.

  5. Parapsychology is the study of seeming mental awareness of or influence upon external objects, without any physical or energetic means of ...

    from the Latin word ‘Para’ which literally means beyond psychology. It is generally defined as the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. ...

    scientific domain dealing with phenomena which cannot be explained by the known laws of physics or biology; the modern equivalent of psychical research.

    The scientific investigation and, in some cases, treatment of supernormal phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance and extrasensory perception.

    The scientific study of unusual events associated with the human experience and PSI subjects.

    A branch of psychology concerned with phenomena that are not presently explained by the application of known psychological principles

    the branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of purportedly psychic phenomena, as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, telepathy ...

    is the study of paranormal phenomena, such as ESP and psychokinesis. Parapsychologists are unique in that they devote most of their research to trying to prove the existence of things that are believed to be inexplicable by known laws of nature.

    Scientific investigation of the paranormal.

    psychic phenomena: phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes

    Parapsychology (from the Greek: παρά para, "alongside" + psychology) is the study of ostensibly paranormal events including extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival of consciousness after death. ...

    The study of that which cannot yet be explained; psychic or occult phenomena, such as telepathy and ghosts

    The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena that are inexplicable by science.

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