
What is meant by a median figure and how is it arrived at as compared to an 'average'?

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Since wind currents move in all directions, why when viewing weather maps do 'highs' and 'lows' always move from west to east and not in the opposite direction?




  1. Median is like you take a lot of temperatures  let's say 23 temperature readings and mean would be the one in the middle.   But when you talk about average,  you add them all together and divide by 23.

    Mean measures the middle but average means the average of of those numbers not a geographical center on a chart.

  2. A median figure is the midpoint of the given set. It is the figure that would appear in the center of the list of figures with repeated figures omitted. If the total number of figures in the list is even, then the median is the average of the two middle figures.

    An average is the figure derived from adding all the figures in a given set and dividing the sum by the total number of figures.

    The average differs from the median in that it is the relative midpoint numerically of the given set wheras the median is relative only to the given set of figures.

  3. Median: list all the values in order of size, largest to smallest. The one half way through the list is the median. Also called the 50 percentile.

    Lows and Highs: The wind blows "cyclonically" around Lows - that is, in the same sense as the rotation of the earth. And it blows "anti-cyclonically" around Highs - in the opposite direction of the earth's rotation.

    Highs and Lows in the mid-latitudes move more or less eastwards because they are part of a wave system circling the earth in the mid-latitude belt higher in the atmosphere (500hPa). The wave length of these waves determine the speed of movement. Shorter waves move quickly eastwards; those of longer wavelength move slower; really long ones are stationary.

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