
What is meant by electron ballistics?explain?

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give detailed account to be written as 15 mark question




  1. Ballistics is a domain of knowledge dealing with the flight trajectories of objects that are subject solely to outside forces; as opposed, for example, to the flight of a rocket that has its own force from thrust in addition to the outside forces (gravity, drag).  The term reflects its origin in the study of the trajectories of cannon balls, thus the BALL in ballistics.

    Applied to electrons, the outside forces would be electro-magnetic, as drag and gravity typically have little effect on electrons.  (At relativistic velocities, gravity can have an impact on an electron's trajectory because its inertial (energy) mass will have increased significantly over its rest mass.)

    Thus, electron ballistics refers to the trajectories of electrons as influenced by electro magnetic forces and, possibly, gravity.  In a non-relativistic context, electron ballistics are considered in ordinary TV cathode tubes for example, where the electron trajectories are altered by the EM forces in the tube.  In a relativistic context, electrons are accelerated in accelerators that use EM forces to accelerate the particles and to keep them on a prescribed trajectory while gaining inertial mass.

  2. heres ur answer:

  3. So we write the account, and you get 15 marks? What's the point?

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