
What is meant by obsession of mind?Give an example for the situation.?

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What is meant by obsession of mind?Give an example for the situation.?




  1. The mind is focused on a detail and the detail becomes the most important thing for the mind to deal with, with the mind attempting to solve the dilemma through unrealistic means.  The detail becomes the obsession, the only thing the mind can focus on, the only thing that the mind lets through its filters, blocking out all other information even remotely related to that detail.  The mind decides that it is correct, it knows the truth, and there is no argument, just problem solving needs to be done.  Hence, repetitive habits, unrealistic imaginary forebodings, fear, fear, fear.

    The means of controlling the problem as the mind perceives it to be is the solution and will ward of the fear, although fear is the very foundation of the phenomenon.

    Our minds are amazing, aren't they?  Truly a miracle of life.

  2. An obsession is an unrealistic thought, such as "there are germs everywhere and I will die"....sometimes to reduce the anxiety that this obsession causes people develop compulsions (repetitive behaviors), such as "excessive handwashing", washing hands 12-20 times in a row.  Obsessions are uncontrollable, reoccurring, unrealistic thoughts that may or may not be connected to compulsions (the behaviors engaged in to reduce anxiety).  (psychology prof)

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