
What is meant by "American Values"? Wasn't this country founded by spoiled brats who didn't want to follow...

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the rules in England, who came to this country and killed off the natives and imported slaves to build it?




  1. You need to pay attention when you get to high school and have a history class.

  2. Thumbs down to a stupid question from someone who is probably behind the Great Wall wishing they were in the U.S.

  3. Actually, the phrase "American Values" as many people think of it today, is kind of a misnomer (which in and of itself may be a misnomer :) ). Since America was "The Great Melting Pot" and we had people from all walks of life, from the British sending over their undesirables to those fleeing religious persecution (and we are talking about MANY different religions!), to explorers and wealth seekers, it is not really possible to call any of their own personal "values" American. The truth is, the idea of "values" is simply too subjective to so easily define... A Christian values honesty, a farmer values hard work, a businessman values determination, a lawyer values the law... The only set of values that could be considered American at all are lined out in our Constitution and Bill of Rights (and some of those values we STILL don't have right!) and those are things like; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to bear arms, the right to assembly, right to a speedy trial, freedom of expression, right to privacy... These are the only "values" which even could be spoken of as "American" no matter how many religious people would like to state or believe otherwise.

    On a side note: While I agree with some of the other answerers in principle, I totally disagree with the way they approached you... Allow me to restate: When you ask a question like this, in the way that you asked it, it does SEEM that you are relying too heavily on what you were taught in school... Keep in mind that everything is subjective... Including (some would say "especially") the truth. Don't just take the word of a teacher or a history/social studies/ethical book as absolute truth... Keep your mind open and do your own research and make your own judgments... In the end, that is all you really have.

  4. The British Government was handing out exclusive trade contracts to British companies and British Governors in the colonies.  For example, the East India Company was awarded the exclusive right to import tea into the colonies (all other imports being illegal), and the nephews of the British Governor of Massachussets Bay Colony were awarded the exclusive contract to purchase the East India Company's tea imports.

    What you had was a mixture of cronyism and monoplolies, and this prevented the colonial businessmen from prospering, and though they appealed to Parliament, they had no  vote in Parliament and effectively no voice to address these very real grievances, so they rebelled.

    We had a revolution because British policy was to keep the colonies economically dependent by using laws to monopolize trade.  What Britain wanted was colonies that grew tobacco, cotton, and so on for very low prices and who paid high prices for imported goods.

  5. it's code for "America is the best country in world and the only country that God will bless"

    it's propaganda nothing more.

  6. It was founded by people who didn't want to be part of the Church of England.

    While there are some who had enough to afford the trip(your so called spoiled brats) most came with debt to pay for the cost of their transportation.

    Most of the Natives had already died by the time the colonization of America started. The Conquistadors and diseases they brought with them decimated the population as they had no immunity. The population went from some 25 million to 2500 by the 1700's. From my own home state of Texas the Alabama Indians had to move twice as the conquistador es attacked them.

    American Values includes elements of Independence including self reliance, but has also come to mean the family values, and Christian values.

  7. If you read our Declaration of Independence. There are 27 grievances we had with England. Tax was the least, but most talked about now. We tried every legal way to solve the issues. Well, the rest is history.

  8. This country was founded on Christian values although not everyone even then did righteousness.

    There is no nation right, no not one. But I must agree with you to a point.

    America is not what it once was, but there is no nation that is obligated to allow "all" religions. Christians are killed all over the world in "Muslim" countries. So with that said you have more freedom here in the U S of A to worship your gods whether or not we think their false gods or evil gods or not.

    But before anyone point a finger and accuse someone else of murder remember your nations own history. As a people we all can be found guilty.

    But as a black American, I could easily point a finger. however the past is the past. But one things for sure America can not claim American values as if it means goodness. ...and if God isn't in that "value"  then the American righteousness is as a filthy rag.    <EDITED

  9. Those values allow ingrates to pour offal from their mouths

  10. Came to this country to flee oppressors who did not allow their religious freedom. Lived in harmony -w- Indians for some time. Until, generations later, they didn't.

    Ever take a history class?

    Yes, admittedly this country has bad periods in history. What does that have to do with today's values.

  11. The American Revolution was a tax revolt begun by businessmen and won by virtue of an armed citizenry.

  12. If you have a problem with it, we have ways of dealing with people like you......(we could go guantanamo on you pal, better watch it -we know who you are and we are watching you)

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