
What is mental rehersal and how does it work?

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I am a sports coach and can visualise however howdoes it work and why do people have different experiences kinasthetic learners?




  1. see below

  2. Mental rehearsal is actually using the thought processes that you will use in competition, and it calls for body responses as well. For example, if someone is using mental preparation for a race, they will close their eyes, place their hands in position, as though they were holding a paddle, and ready themselves for the call.When they mentally hear the starter's gun, or see the green flag go up, the kinasthetic impulses will actually bring a response in the appropriate muscles. Not on the same scale as the actual paddling, but it's almost as though the motion accompanies their thoughts, just as we so often accompany our words with gestures, without even realizing that we do it.

    Some people need a great deal more rehearsal, or practice, than others, and mental rehearsal can provide it for them. Others can use mental rehearsal to overcome a problem, and simply repeat the situation and the setting over and over in their mind, until they are confident in their ability.

    Mental rehearsal is also a wonderful way to focus in, before a competition, and ignore all the noise and brouha that goes with meets.  

    It really does work, and athletes who ignore it are cheating themselves, big time!

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