
What is method acting?

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What is method acting?




  1. James Dean said to Dennis Hopper on the set of Rebel without a Cause.

    "If you're in a sene smoking a cigarette, don't act smoking a cigarette. Just smoke it.

    This to me somes up The Method.

  2. Method acting is when you use real life experiences to help  an actor get into a part better...

    for example if you had a part as a shop worker, you would try to get a job in a shop to help you play the part realisticly.

  3. Method acting is an acting technique in which actors try to replicate real life emotional conditions under which the character operates, in an effort to create a life-like, realistic performance. This is contrasted with a more abstracted, less involved style of acting in which the actor himself or herself remains an outside observer of the character he or she is portraying.

    "The Method" in method acting typically refers to the generic practice of actors drawing on their own emotions, memories, and experiences to influence their portrayals of characters.

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  4. When actors decide to go completely into character, and stay in character, on AND off screen. Some people think that's what killed Heath Ledger, but most of us know better.
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