
What is minimum distance from edge of green to hole position?

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in golf, how close to the edge of the putting green can the hole be cut




  1. +1 up for 3 paces on.  

    I used to cup at a country club.  

    Lets just say the members got a little pissed when I put it on that 1 meter  mark... I informed them it was legal, and they looked it up, to their dismay.

  2. There is no minimum distance but usually its at least 1mt on the green

  3. It all depends on the course superintendent and how brutal he wants to be.  There is nothing I can find in any of the Rules both USGA and R&A as a minimum requirement.

  4. 4 yards???  someone has never been on a golf course.  Ive seen them 6 inches from the fringe

  5. 4 yards

  6. There is no minimum distance from the edge of the green to the pin position. However, in every PGA, USGA, televised tournament if you were observant, there was no pin position  that was closer to the edge of a green than 4 paces. In our state tournaments, qualifiers or finals, the closest to the edge of a green is three paces. Any super or cup setter who does otherwise  is short changing the contestants, Even 4 paces are referred to as " sucker pins".

  7. Good question made me think , the answer is there is no minimum distance , that is according to my clubs captain , who i just rang

  8. 3 meters is the legal minimum distance

  9. 39 inches . or  1 meter . same distance . great way for supertendent to extract revenge . especially when done left side green . then there is screaming

  10. I do not think there is a specific minimum distance but I suspect greenkeepers have to be realtistic as to where they would situate a new hole.

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